Juzo has been manufacturing compression hosiery for over 100 years. Juzo compression stockings are famous for high quality and a great fit. Juzo's FiberSoft process wraps every elastic fiber in a soft protective thread to protect your skin and make the fabric more breathable. Consider choosing Juzo compression socks if comfort and easy care are highly important to you. Their excellent sizing makes it simple to find a good fit and almost all of their support stockings and socks can be machine washed and dried.
Juzo is known as the world leader in lymphedema armsleeves, gloves, and gauntlets.
The softest of Juzo's materials, this seamless, comfort sleeve helps to prevent or manage mild to moderate upper extremity lymphedema, and is almos...
View full detailsThe best stocking for everyday wear. Juzo Soft stockings deliver the softest relief for your legs. Their smooth, supple texture comforts, and energ...
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