“Well, if the Kardashians are doing it – that’s one reason for me to NOT do it.” That was my coworker Scott’s reaction to my suggestion that we all try a new morning health drink routine in the office. I, personally, love everything Kardashian and want to drink what they’re drinking.
Like me, you’ve probably seen or heard hundreds of suggestions and opinions on how to start your day off right. If you do a quick google search, you’ll find thousands of recipes for morning smoothies and drink concoctions that promise a world of health benefits. And, if you pick up any health or celebrity magazine, you’ll find famous faces listing off the strange things they do to keep slim and healthy. Martha Stewart starts every morning off with a green juice, Jennifer Aniston drinks hot water with lemon, Marilyn Monroe drank two raw eggs whipped in warm milk, Beethoven counted out exactly 60 coffee beans for his morning cup of coffee, and Kourtney Kardashian apparently drinks apple cider vinegar every morning.
I wanted to give one of these morning drink routines a shot, so I did some research to find the best recipe and enlisted the help of my coworkers. I specifically looked for recipes that had ingredients shown to improve circulation and reduce inflammation (since that’s what BrightLife Direct is all about!). The recipe includes, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, honey, molasses and lemon.
What do these do?
Personally – I found the drink PRETTY spicy and hard to get down every morning, but I wanted those health benefits so I chugged it quickly! I was fighting a cold during the week I drank this, and by the third day I felt so much better. I also found that I wasn’t hungry for my morning snack (usually around 10:30 a.m.) and that I didn’t need a second cup of coffee because the spice gave me a kick!
We drank it every morning for a week. Here’s what everyone else in our office said –
“It did help suppress my appetite if I had 2 glasses of it. It also felt like it gave me a better boost of energy than what coffee would do, and I lost 2 pounds from drinking it that week!” – David (was drinking in the morning and lunch time)
“I liked the taste, but I love Bloody Mary’s. I lost three pounds and they’ve stayed off, so I would do it again as a cleanse.” – Scott
“I think I had a bit more energy, not so much a boost, but throughout the day I felt more energized. Still needs vodka but otherwise very good :)” – Mark
“I liked it! The spiciness gave me an instant jolt of energy. I didn’t notice a difference in my appetite until 3 or 4 days in, but after not drinking it today I definitely noticed a difference. I’ve been super hungry! One thing I did not notice a change in is nausea/digestion.” – Catie
What is your morning routine? Would you try this?
NOTE: We’re not doctors. Please check that any medicine you’re taking does not interact with these spices before trying. Check with your medical professional or doctor if you’re uncertain.
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